Faith, Lifestyle

Let’s talk about Hope

With all the craziness in the world today, we see so much negative talk, fear & an overall mood of hopelessness. This always makes my heart feel really sad. A few weeks ago, I remember someone tried putting me down for being “too optimistic” or “too hopeful,” and I still can’t grasp how that can be a bad thing- because Jesus is the source of my hope.

About a week later, the COVID19 pandemic turned out to be worse than anticipated and life everywhere was turned upside down. To say I wasn’t shaken a bit would be dishonest.

I’ve discussed hope & optimism on my blog many times in the past, as these are key virtues I hold near to my heart, but I feel they are especially important right now. I, like many others, have been stuck at home for the past 8 or so days (I’ve honestly lost count) social distancing/quarantining due to the Coronavirus pandemic. I won’t lie, it hasn’t been easy for me and I know I’m definitely not alone on that feeling. A lot of things I was looking forward to have been canceled, I am unable to return to my on-campus home or physical classes & frankly I feel a bit stir crazy as an extrovert who absolutely craves social interaction.


Here’s the thing: All this extra time at home, alone with my thoughts has given me time to process my emotions, pray about the situation and become more intentional about spending time with the Lord. In a world of chaos, where I had so much going on- nursing school, musical rehearsal, filling Etsy orders, blogging, applying for jobs- I had lost sight of my spiritual health. So while this pandemic is awful, I’m learning how God makes all things work together for my good once more. He is teaching me to be still. To know he is God. (Psalm 46:10). He will protect us and lead us through the hard times. This made me feel hopeful. I remembered who He was. And that I am His.

On Sunday, I listened to a few different sermons online, and spent a good couple hours reading through my Bible. I found myself in the book of Romans & I’m not sure what compelled me that that’s where I needed to be reading, but God works in mysterious ways y’all… I was yearning to read about hope. To remind myself that I can be hopeful right now, and that hope is a good thing. Cue Romans chapter 4. This section of Romans tells about some key moments in the life of Abraham and the example of strong faith he set for all believers. What especially stood out to me was verse 18:

“Even when there was no reason for hope, Abraham kept hoping- believing that he would become the father of many nations”

Y’all. Even when there was NO REASON for hope, Abraham KEPT hoping! I wrote in my bible “I want that!!” I want that unwavering hope.

This is my encouragement to everyone: we may not see or understand how it can better now; We don’t know when we can return to work, our classes may be in a strange format, but this is all temporary. God is bigger than a pandemic.

God promised Abraham a son, and even after many years, when he & his wife were very old and still had not bore a child, he still had faith that God would make him the father of many nations. And what did God do? Exactly that! The Lord works in His perfect timing. Hopelessness leads to a weary, lost, and hurting soul looking for something to fulfill the ache. But hope is something strong that we can hold onto firmly. It is strong & it comes by faith. Hope is an anchor for the soul; firm and secure (Hebrews 6:19).

Re-reading passages about hope has restored some of the unrest in my soul and made me more optimistic about the situation I’m now facing. I can find the silver lining, I can have joy knowing the creator of the universe loves me and will fulfill His promises. I can dance in the rain, praise in the storm, see the rainbow and smile with gratitude. I know times are tough, but the best is yet to come. My goal is is to be like Abraham- to never lose hope.


*If you or someone out there is sick, immunocompromised, or is unable to access basic supplies/food they need to live while self-quarantining, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’d love to help in anyway I can. I’m praying over everyone who reads this. You are loved. <3.

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