
Let’s talk about Hope

With all the craziness in the world today, we see so much negative talk, fear & an overall mood of hopelessness. This always makes my heart feel …Let’s talk about Hope

Faith, Lifestyle

Let’s talk about Hope

With all the craziness in the world today, we see so much negative talk, fear & an overall mood of hopelessness. This always makes my heart feel really sad. A few weeks ago, I remember someone tried putting me down for being “too optimistic” or “too hopeful,” and I still can’t grasp how that can… Continue reading Let’s talk about Hope

College, Faith, Life

Living Your Climb

If you’re a 20-something like me, you may be familiar with the (in my opinion, iconic) song “The Climb” by Miley Cyrus from the (even more iconic) Hannah Montana Movie. As a 10-year-old when the song came out, I thought it was so inspiring- but after all the challenges I’ve faced since, it resonates with… Continue reading Living Your Climb

Faith, Lifestyle

Choosing Barabbas

You may or not be familiar with the story biblical account of the holiday known as Easter, but that is the inspiration behind this post. At the time I began writing this, it was Holy Week, and I've delayed posting it due to getting way too caught up in my studies to make time to… Continue reading Choosing Barabbas

College, Lifestyle

Big Girls Don’t Cry

I am a very emotional person. Anyone who knows me knows this. I wear my heart on my sleeve and get hurt quite easily. I’ve tried to hide it but I can’t, it’s just who I am. I’ve always been like this. For as long as I can remember, people have told me things like… Continue reading Big Girls Don’t Cry

DIY, Lifestyle

DIY Christmas Garland

Like many people on the Internet, I'm a HUGE fan of D.I.Y-ing and being crafty. I'm constantly making things- just ask my roommates... In the Spirit of the Christmas season, I wanted to share an easy craft with y'all that I made with my roommate Tori for our apartment using a few items laying around… Continue reading DIY Christmas Garland

Geek, Lifestyle

Marveling at a Modern Hero: In Memoriam

As many of you know, Stan Lee passed away a week ago today. Now, I'm not usually one to spend a long time ruminating on the deaths of celebrities I've never met, but this circumstance feels different. I know this applies to many other people as well, but to me, Stan wasn't just some celebrity;… Continue reading Marveling at a Modern Hero: In Memoriam


Never Enough

If the title of this post got you singing a song from The Greatest Showman, you're not alone! While this post is not about the film, it does take a bit of inspiration from the song's lyrics. We as humans struggle with contentment, with finding "enough-ness." We want it all and once we get it,… Continue reading Never Enough