
Holy Week/Easter Weekend: A Week In My Life

••• This is not the type of post I typically do, but I love looking at lifestyle blogs and seeing the little trips & weekly reflection journals some people do and decided to make my own! I want to start posting more regularly, so I thought that incorporating some fun lifestyle-blog inspired posts would be… Continue reading Holy Week/Easter Weekend: A Week In My Life

College, Faith, Lifestyle

From Now On…

If you're anything like me, you're probably obsessed with all things The Greatest Showman. I could talk for hours about how much I love everything about this movie- from the music, the choreography, the casting, the costuming, everything. Despite that wee fan-girl moment you just witnessed, this blog post is not a movie review. It… Continue reading From Now On…

Faith, Life

Dear Dysautonomia

As a person with a chronic illness of the autonomic nervous system, I've had to make many adjustments & try different treatment plants. It's a battle, but it's a battle I'm willing to fight. Since creating this blog, I have joined some online communities of other Christian bloggers my age. Many of these ladies also… Continue reading Dear Dysautonomia


Getting Real: A Few Thoughts & Where I’ve Been

Being a Christian is hard. No doubt about it. Being a young Christian in a world that is increasingly becoming more and more secular is very hard. But it’s not impossible & it is worth it, that I can promise. Look, I struggle. All the time. I doubt myself. And believe it or not, I… Continue reading Getting Real: A Few Thoughts & Where I’ve Been

College, Faith, Lifestyle, World Issues & Current Events

Living Sober

"Why do you wear that bracelet?" "What does it mean to you?" "Are you Sober?" I know what you're probably thinking after reading the title of this post, but it's not what you think. This post is talking about sobriety, but I'm not referring to alcohol sobriety, per se. I will say, my inspiration for… Continue reading Living Sober


No place for hate

I was debating writing this post, but ultimately felt called to because it's quite heartbreaking what's been happening. I'm sure by now you've all heard of the event in Charlottesville, the event that attempted to defend white supremacy & racism. This is not the first time an event like this has occurred, but there have… Continue reading No place for hate

College, Faith, Lifestyle

Why I Chose to Attend a Private University

"Where do you go to school?" "The University of Mary Hardin-Baylor." "Ohhhh, Baylor, wow!" "Uh, no, not Baylor." "Sic 'em bears!" "Well actually..." This is a conversation I have pretty much anytime I meet new people or go home. No one has heard of my little school (that I love). Those that have heard of… Continue reading Why I Chose to Attend a Private University